Thursday, March 22, 2007


Here I go again, trying to start a Blog. This time I mean to keep to it. Before I didn't know what to write about really, but now that I've had a little time to think about it, I will be posting things here about my journey in attempting to write, creatively. I might interject a few tech things here and there, that's just the way I am, but mainly I want to keep this blog about creative writing.
I've always had that desire, to write something, always had that burning desire to put down a scene or tell a story but the problem has always been that I don't know WHAT to write. And when I get a feel for something I want to put down I realize once I sit at the computer that it's half-assed, not fully thought out and so I determine it to suck and erase what little I have attempted to write. Part of it is being super critical of myself, the other part is that I just can't seem to allow myself to write something, be it crap or not. That is one of the things I have to get over. I need write, be it what ever it is.

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