Thursday, March 22, 2007


For those 3 or four people that haven't at least heard about this movie, it is truly one of the most cinematically spectacular movies I have seen. It's based on the graphic novel (comic book) by Frank Miller that re-tells the Spartan Battle of Thermopylae where 300 Spartans stood against the massive Persian army commanded by the God-King Xerxes.
The movie is truly engrossing. I don't expect everyone to love this movie as I did. Those that don't care for the severing of limbs, splashing of blood or just all out warfare need not attend. The film is obviously intended for the testosterone/adrenaline bound and does well at providing both. I found myself griping the sides of my chair a few times when decisive moments in the battle came about, gritting my teeth and wondering what it would have been like to be there. Yes, I am somewhat of a nerd like that I don't care. I have never read the graphic novel and don't intend to any time soon, if I could even find it now. The movie was enough for me, at the moment.
I don't believe I will get my wife to watch this any time soon. I'm still trying to get her to finish watching Star Wars IV: A New Hope, so as you can see, I have my work cut out for me. The only reason I was able to get to watch the Lord of The Rings movies was that we were still just going out and we were still playing that game of "I like everything YOU like, because I want to be with you". That game is long since over, as any married man can attest. Still, I won't give up, she might come around. If not, I still have my brothers to watch these movies with.

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