Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Apple Keynote Update

Excellent coverage of the Apple iMac Announcement here.

Major Points:
- No 17" model
- Two 20" models:
- 2.0 Core 2 Duo, 250GB, ATI Radeon HD 2400 HD
- 2.4 Core 2 Duo, 320GB ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro
- New iLife '08, adding "Events" to iPhoto to better organize pictures and albums. Still $79.99.
- New .Mac Web Gallery photo sharing capability. Send pics directly from iPhone to .Mac Web Gallery. 10GB of storage for subscribers.
- New iMovie, easier movie making from HD sources, ability to encode in higher resolutions.
- New iWeb: Add Live web widgets, Google Adsense, ability to index site media and new themes.
- New iDVD: pro encoding features and new themes.
- New Garageband: New styles that you can add to and change (ex: Latin, Jazz, Rock, etc...)
- iWork '08 with new Keynote, Pages and (finally) Numbers! Also $79.99
- New Keynote with Alpha effects and better Media Viewer and animations
- New Pages adds better ability for Word Processing as well as Page Layout.
- New Numbers spreadsheet, allows separate styles on the same sheet for attractive spreadsheets.
- Hints of a Mac mini refresh, guess we'll need to check apple.com to find out.

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